Resources for Mental Health and Wellness

The following is a list of some of our favorite resources to support you on your journey to wellness.  Check back frequently as we update when we run into something good!  Have a suggestion?  Just email us at



The HOPELINE is a 24/7 textline for those struggling with a mental health issue or crisis.  Trained people are on the other end of the line and available to connect with you or someone you care about.  For more information here is their website.

The Mighty

Running across this resource by accident, we were drawn into the combination of YouTube videos and articles.  Each video and article articulate mental health from the perspective of those dealing with it.  One, it helps to know that you are not alone.  And two, it provides a valuable resource for those that care about someone dealing with mental health issues.  From depression, to anxiety, to understanding trauma, to relationships and more.  You can find them here!